Section 3 - Meet The Team
SENDCO: Miss S Davies
Miss Davies is our schools qualified SENDCo and holds the National Award for SEN Coordination and the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) with Access Arrangements.
We have a team of 12 teaching assistants to support student well being and academic achievement:
Miss V Manning | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs N Uddin | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs A Pickering | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs C Jones | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs A Davies | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs J Canavan | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs J Burton | Teaching Assistant |
Miss O Mawdsley | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs E Loynd | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs C Thomson | Teaching Assistant |
Miss Essien | Teaching Assistant |
Miss Wilson | Teaching Assistant |

Hall Fold, Whitworth, Rossendale,
Lancashire, OL12 8TS