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Whitworth Community High School

Climbing Higher

Creativity Faculty


Freedom to fall - Instil a sense or a willingness to take risks in their work. Often high creativity requires a greater willingness to push boundaries of ideas, skills and techniques.

Will to Skill - Art requires practice, when developing skills. These skills can always be improved and these improved skills lead to improved standards which leads to higher grades.

Stickability - A sense of endurance, it’s a ‘long game’! Work requires long term investment to see the bigger picture, to understand work can and does require patience. This is emphasised to ensure that students can develop more mature work of exceptional technical skills.

Narrow Path - Develop a greater sense of independence to go it alone, to make decisions without constant teacher verification and independent thinking of their own work.

High expectations - High expectations of all students with ‘challenge tasks’ personal to their projects set each lesson to ensure  AGT students are continually stretched and challenged.

Use of artists -  AGT students are encouraged to research and study more complex artists who work in more technical mediums.




Drama and Performing Arts


Open ended stimulus tasks

Raising aspirations

Educational Visits - We offer a number of educational visits to students throughout the year to inspire and allow them to question theatres and its parameters.

Challenging play texts- Play texts are chosen to allow their own exploration with more challenging practitioners.


High expectations

Leadership - Students are challenged to lead groups often in lessons and challenged to offer support to others.





Group Leaders- More able students are expected to lead group performance and composition tasks.

High expectations - High expectations of all students with ‘challenge tasks’ set each lesson to ensure  AGT students are continually stretched and challenged.

Visiting performers/ concert/ theatre visits - Students are given opportunities to hear professional musicians within school and to attend concerts.

Musicians - Students who are learning musical instruments outside of the classroom and encouraged to use these in lessons and are continually given challenging tasks to develop their skills as musicians.  Students have the opportunity to enter for ABRSM examinations.

Pace - All lessons have a challenging pace.

Creativity and original thought. - Composition tasks give students the opportunity to work creatively.

Use of ICT to enhance composition work - Students have the opportunity to notate their compositions using Sibelius and also to use Soundtrap software to compose and record their work. This give greater scope for more able students to be pushed further with their creative work.

Musical vocabulary ‘Higher Level Language’- ‘Stretch and challenge’ musical vocabulary used in discussions and questioning of all students, with more advanced vocabulary and Italian musical terms taught.





Trips - Bringing the language to life in a real life situation.

Language leaders - Recognition of AGT in MFL and selected to lead on an aspect of MFL club.

Linking to English Literacy - Grammatical terms used often and explained by AGT.

Target Language - Higher level Target Language for more able, modelled with information which is less contextualised.

Given guided freedom - Given a template, be creative. Originality and research tasks with increased independence.

Reacting to the unknown - Allowed to experience the reality of a MFL by sensing the unknown when responding to questions / asking questions.

Whitworth Community High School,
Hall Fold, Whitworth, Rossendale,
Lancashire, OL12 8TS