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Whitworth Community High School

Climbing Higher




Our vision in Science at Whitworth Community High School is to develop all students to become confident, independent scientists with a desire to question the world around them. Students are given the opportunity to learn about the world we live in and how this world impacts on our day to day life. Students are taught to use evidence to solve challenging problems whilst becoming resilient. Through our carefully designed, challenging curriculum our students acquire essential life skills alongside a wide knowledge base which they can apply to new situations. In a fast paced and ever changing world we believe that the skills and knowledge students learn will prepare them for a successful future


Our curriculum intent is:


To enhance scientific thinking such as hypothesising, observing and evaluation, as well as delivering an essential body of core knowledge. 


To have practical work at the core of understanding, where students will develop ‘hands on' skills along with the qualities of teamwork and communication. 


To ensure all students are stretched so that they can reach their full potential. To help this, students are taught in sets according to their ability and given support at every stage. 


To increase the general scientific awareness of students through the exacting use of vocabulary, introduction of contemporary scientific issues and motivational visits.


Curriculum plan:


Key stage 3 (year 7, 8 and 9)


In year 7, 8 and 9 students follow the National Curriculum studying topics from biology, chemistry and physics whilst being underpinning with essential science skills from the ‘How science works’ area of the curriculum. Students follow challenging schemes of learning that incorporate hands-on activities (through whole class practicals and demonstrations) whilst ensuring the rigour of scientific vocabulary is embedded from an early stage. Knowledge is built upon and revisited through retrieval practice as the key stage progresses. Assessments take place at the end of each unit to highlight misconceptions and summative assessments take place termly.


Key stage 4 (year 10 and 11)


In year 10 and 11 students follow the AQA GCSE Science suite. Students have 6 science lessons per week and have a specialist teacher for each science subject. The students in our top group follow Triple science courses and will achieve 3 GCSE grades (1 in each science discipline). All other students follow the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy course. Both courses offer two tiers of entry (foundation- grades 1-5 and higher grades 4-9). Students are taught to the top with activities scaffolded to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve the highest grade for their ability.


Assessments take place in a variety of formats throughout units with summative assessments taking place termly.

Students are given the opportunity to sit full exam papers from the summer of year 10 to ensure they develop the examination skills and rigour to complete a GCSE paper.


British Values


Our intention is to enhance the core British Values of students by developing a greater sense of tolerance and understanding of class, gender and ethnic diversity and differences in society and the role and purpose of key institutions. This is highlighted and discussed when we teach topics such as Ethics of IVF, embryonic screening and the use of embryonic stem cells; Renewable resources; Environment change and the effect of an increasing and more demanding human population.


Whitworth Community High School,
Hall Fold, Whitworth, Rossendale,
Lancashire, OL12 8TS