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Whitworth Community High School

Climbing Higher

Innovation Faculty



Strategies used in Design Technology include;


Year 8 Laser team - This allows more able students to practice skills regularly in order to enhance skills on CAD software which can only take time and practice. It helps students gain confidence and Skill in operating CAM software such as the Laser cutter and vinyl cutter that cannot be taught earlier in the curriculum due to many students' inability to comprehend the complex nature of the topic and skill.


Differentiation by tasks throughout projects - This allows us (with the aid of a technician) to select more able students from a given class and push them to incorporate higher end skills such as vinyl cutting and sublimation printing earlier so that students would access this information.


Open ended research - This is used often. One example of this is in the Year 8 plastics topic. This allows for higher ability students to research the GCSE Design Technology and Chemistry topic of Cracking and fractional distillation. It also prepares students who wish to continue Design Technology to GCSE as it is a major focus of the research section when completing the NEA. The ability to be able to independently research a completely different topic to everyone else in the class has become more prevalent in recent years.


Freedom to Fall - From Year 10 we are pushing students to be as creative as possible with regards to potential designs and to develop a greater understanding of feasibility of products through modelling and design. It is showcasing some great creativity and helping with the understanding of skills students may have otherwise not have needed.



Physical Education


  • Challenge through pace- Speed of the lesson is adapted for AGT students to develop quicker understanding and to allow for faster development especially in skill based lessons. 


  • High expectations- at both key stages we strive to set high expectations. Within each skill the challenge is set to reach the next section and achieve elite levels.


  • Use of language increasing- Meaningful communication - Language both spoken and written reflect key terminology and how it is best represented in the written format.


  • Problem solving- Scenarios are set which challenge and provoke a strategy to solve what has been tasked. Students also develop their tactical knowledge around each sport. 


  • Competition & instilling competitive edge to succeed- Each practical session includes games with scoring and success, instilling the qualities of perseverance and determination - the activity level is altered to raise the stakes further.


  • Cooperative learning & collaboration- consistent changing of the environment especially group dynamics to open up thoughtful exchange or the development of skills. 


  • Effective questioning to achieve analysis & evaluation- questions composed in differing ways to reflect exam questions linked to sporting situations and also theory categories. Students need to find different ways of justifying their choices to analyse different situations. 


  • Effective different tasks & outcomes- All tasks show a continuation of deeper knowledge or skills acquisition. Practices are developed to fine-tune or develop their skill level. 





Computer Science


GCSE Exam Style Questions - at KS3, the GCSE questions are in a format similar to the GCSE in that it requires extended answers that will stretch the more able.


Cyber Security Competitions - students work through industry standard problem-solving challenges for example Bebras, Cyber First and Hac100 to gain a flavour of computer science jobs.


Digital Leaders - seating plans are carefully planned for students to act as digital leaders supporting students and creating capacity for developing responsibility, leadership and life skills. 


Flipped Learning - students are directed to resources at home to prepare for new content that develops their independent learning skills and builds a deeper understanding. 


Visual Encoding - turning keyword definitions into a collection of images, stretching students to find connections.  


Build on Interests - students can explore their interests in writing code for software using the concepts studied to extend their understanding.  


Reverse Engineering - provide code for a working solution and ask them to reverse engineer it. Write a commentary on each snippet of code. 


Coding Club - getting hands-on experience in various robotics including carrying out constructions using LEDs, motors, LDRs and capacitors or programming drones.


High-Level Language - students are expected to use correct technical language both in verbal answers and written responses.


Open Evening - demonstrate hardware and software to other students and parents, as well as to help with problem-solving challenges.







Teacher modelling:  As part of the process of teaching the writing of academic responses, staff model responses in real-time, offering students a window into the decision process that the ‘expert’ writer might engage with.


Challenging questions: Regular use of challenge questions in lessons: AGT students are asked to verbalise responses to challenging unseen tasks, both to stretch them and model thinking for other students.


Assessment and Feedback: Teachers lead DIRT feedback focussing on high-quality model answers and targeting misconceptions. 


Academic disciplinary language: To stretch and challenge - encouraging students to use key terminology effectively. 


High aspirations and expectations: All students are encouraged to aspire to the highest possible attainment levels.  References to previous students and success stories within the department remind students that excellence is the result of hard work and an open enquiring mind.


Careers: Discuss further prospective careers and potential opportunities in university or industry whenever possible in lessons.





Health and Social Care


Visiting Speakers - Visiting speakers will be invited into school to discuss job roles in HSC.  We also have guest speakers that have additional needs/disabilities. This allows students to gain an understanding of their needs and support offered to individuals. 


Independence - Students are expected to research and complete work independently. Red zone/progress checks (independent learning) incorporated into the lesson. Students are expected to complete stretch and challenge activities when they have completed a task.


Flipped Learning - students are directed to resources at home, so that they are prepared for new content which develops their independent learning skills and to build a deeper understanding. 


Expectation -we strive to set high expectations of students. Stretch and challenge activities are set each lesson.  


Language/ thinking-Students are expected to use key HSC terminology during discussion and in written work. Students expected to answer higher order thinking questions.


Research - Students are expected to research key information independently and produce documents showing their findings. Students are encouraged to find information for themselves from credible sources.


Group Tasks -Students are expected to lead group tasks showing key skills needed within the HSC profession: communication, organisational, team work, collaboration, time management.





Social and Personal Development


Targeted differentiated questions and debate. - Encouraging debate - discussing topics in more depth and from different angles. Use of multiple perspectives in class discussion - teacher or pupil playing “Devil’s advocate”. This is practiced at the beginning of each class with the ‘opinion task’.

Seating plans - Placing stronger pupils together so they push each other. Using paired talking strategies such as carousels to “trickle down” knowledge from GT students to other members of the class, as well as giving GT students the opportunity to “learn by teaching”


Regular use of challenge questions in lessons: AGT students are asked to verbalise responses to challenging unseen tasks, both to stretch them and model thinking for other students.


Assessment and Feedback: Students lead DIRT feedback. AGT pupil leads group to help write down model answers.


Tasks: Students are challenged by using open ended questions which lead to multiple pathways to progress.


Private research tasks: Research a particular person or event and explain the relevance to the query being studied. Students present their findings to the class to develop oracy and strengthen neural connections across the corpus callosum.


Academic language: To stretch and challenge - encouraging students to use key terminology effectively. Students engage with second order academic texts (selected excerpts) to synthesise and summarise the viewpoints of respected academics and engage with university level thinking.



Whitworth Community High School,
Hall Fold, Whitworth, Rossendale,
Lancashire, OL12 8TS