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Whitworth Community High School

Climbing Higher

Pupil Premium

As you are aware schools have been given additional funding to support students who receive free school meals or who have received free school meals in the last six years. Students who have a parent/carer in the Armed Forces also receive extra funding.

From September 2012 schools have been required to publish how much additional funding they receive and how it has been spent. 

We have produced a detailed provision map for students who receive free school meals. We also recognise that not all students who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for FSM. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium Funding to also support any student or groups of students which the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.


This document provides information on the following areas:


 Summary information 

 Attainment 3 year trend 



 Planned Expenditure 

 Allocated Expenditure 

 Outcomes from the above Expenditure

Whitworth Community High School,
Hall Fold, Whitworth, Rossendale,
Lancashire, OL12 8TS