In lessons teachers will model answers, show students challenging questions and get students to think about how to unpick difficult questions that have interleaving topics. Teachers have high expectations in lessons and students are encouraged to follow these.
Following resources may be used to aid high expectations and to push our AGT students:
SSDD- Students to recognise Same Surface with Different Depth questions (these questions would not be used every lesson but in topics such as shape, ratio and percentages)
Increasingly Difficult Questions
Teaching Level 2 in Extended Maths to our top students in year 10/11 - Starting September 2024 we will be offering a qualification in Extended Mathematics to our top end and most able GCSE students.
Maths challenge UKMT - We are hoping to take a Whitworth maths team out to compete in the UK Maths Challenge (the team consists of 2 year 8 students and 2 year 9 students).
Careers: ‘Maths - why bother?’ videos - We show video’s in lessons when we can, they show career options which use the topic of Maths we are currently studying in the SoL.
We may discuss further prospective careers and potential opportunities to study mathematics with another subject at university - This could also be discussed in tutor time as the maths faculty have either year 10 or 11 for form time.
Cultural capital: school website/my favs page:
Links to articles from The University of Cambridge for students to read at their leisure.

Hall Fold, Whitworth, Rossendale,
Lancashire, OL12 8TS